Monday, September 20, 2010

to dive or sail

a group of men set out to explore an island.*
as they seek they find a shore
that leads them to the sea.
they sit down to discuss (over chai of course)
the best way to explore its entirety.
Hither and thither the discussion runs till all at once a man-
races from the group, dives in the sea, beginning to swim away.
Before he leaves his words ring out "To the deepest deep i go!"
following him closely a man disagrees-"to sail is best indeed!
embarking on a voyage beyond the realm of 'me'
I sail, across this sea to see all there is to see."

the others are puzzled. they drink their chai.
the sea bekons them nigh. How shall we go?
To depths or to cross? They drink and sit and think.
Then all at once they stand and began to join their boats as one.
They leave the shore sailing and diving each to his own as one.

*no it couldn't move through time and space. they were not there due to a plane crash or a boat crash. they were just there. accept it.

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