Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm still at work. I've been here for 7 hrs. I don't have to be here. Why am I still here? It isn't because I love it here. Maybe it's because I can get free drinks and food :)
There is so much on my mind. So many concentric rings of thought. Chase one and another escapes. Perhaps as someone once said, all is vanity. Perhaps all is the same as the steam rising from the cup of chai sitting at the table with me. The steam rises like 2 inches and disappears. blown here and there before it passes from view.
what am i chasing after? for what am i spending my life?
why do i feel so ungrateful as it comes to the day we're supposed to be thankful? wait- i am ungrateful. i was really about to start complaining about all the stuff in my life that isn't right... well here goes with the conventional.
i am alive. for the most part i am healthy. i can taste the difference between good chai and bad chai :) i have a job. i have a car. i have a family- parents who are still together. a couple sisters who are kind of alright (most of the time ;) i can read. i can write. i can see. i can walk. i can breathe. i can run, jump, and try to dance. how many things do i have? how many blessings am i so quick to overlook?
here. publicly. i thank God. All these things have come from You. So much more that i haven't even considered. I praise God for his goodness. Thinking of all that i am leaving behind as i drink the last bit of my tea i pray that His love would be evident to you as you read this.

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